Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Writer's Night Performance at Puckett's

Hey everybody in the Leiper's Fork TN area, I'm performing in tomorrow night's writer's round at Puckett's Grocery Store. (4/29/09) It kicks off at 6pm, so if you get a chance try and stop by. I have never performed any material at Puckett's so I'm looking forward to playing there. It's an intimate stage in an old style grocery in beautiful Leiper's Fork! Hope to see you there.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter Monday

Hope everyone had a great Easter! Mine was extra special. I attended a great church service and was able to share the day with family as well. (I'll attach a link for the Sunday sermon I heard) My monday finds me busy working up new material for an acoustic performance in downtown Nashville in a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to performing there with my good friend Brent White. I hope everyone can come out and listen to the show. I have a previous post with show details.

Stay safe and have a happy Monday - JT


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Surviving the storm

Wow! Parts of my hometown had tornado strikes this evening. Got lucky here. No damage.

Music City Marathon in Nashville

I am so looking forward to an acoustic performance at this year's Music City Marathon in Nashville on April 25th. I will be sharing the stage with my good friend, bandmate and fellow artist Brent White http://www.brentwhitemusic.com/ The 2009 Country Music Marathon (Hosted by the Nashville Sports Council) is an annual marathon through downtown. Approx. 25,000 runners, 4,000 volunteers, and many spectators.
Come out and support the event! It will be a lot of fun. For more information visit:

These are my good friends Bill, Rob and my producer Lance Dary.
Lance, the jokes on me.